Personalized Medicine Services
The personalized medicine services we offer are aimed at both patients and pharmacological companies interested in testing new drugs in cells.
About Our Services
What services are included in our personalized medicine program?
Our main objective is to identify and evaluate drugs available on the market to help patients with neurodegenerative diseases associated with mitochondrial failure, such as ataxias, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, ALS and NBIA, among others. This project focuses on understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying these diseases using patients’ own cells, specifically dermal fibroblasts, which have been demostrated to be a suitable cellular model to study the pathophysiology of these diseases. In these patients derived cells, we test the drugs to analyze their action at the molecular level.
Afterwards, the drugs are evaluated in neurons reprogrammed directly from the patients’ fibroblasts using advanced molecular biology techniques, ensuring that the neurons carry the patients’ specific mutations and pathologies.
This approach which is based on translational medicine, enables us to apply our results directly to patients in an effort to enhance their quality of life.
Our personalized medicine service is aimed at
Patients without diagnosis or effective treatment
Complex clinical cases where the most effective treatment is unknown
Patients with mitochondrial diseases or other diseases that may cause with mitochondrial dysfunction (diabetes, neurodegenerative, etc.)
Patients with neurodegenerative diseases associated with iron accumulation neuronal or other diseases that can cause iron accumulation.
Provision of service to pharmaceutical industries that want to test their compounds in fibroblast cell lines created “in vitro” with pathophysiological alterations.

These services are offered in colaboration with
Our Services
We Specialize In

Mitochondrial Diseases

Neurodegenerative Diseases

Congenital myopathies
The main objective of the service we offer is to provide personalized treatments for
patients who have rare diseases that currently have no cure.
To achieve this goal with the services we offer,
the following aims are established:
Aim 1:
Establishment of the cell line (EC). This step includes:
• Biopsy performed by a doctor.
• Collection of the biopsy by the Pronacera team.
• Reception of the biopsy by the research team.
• Extraction of cells from the explant.
• Growth, expansion and freezing of the patient’s dermal fibroblasts.
Aim 2:
Pathophysiological characterization of dermal fibroblasts to determine if there is some type of cellular dysfunction, study of mitochondrial bioenergetics and study of iron accumulation related to cellular oxidation.
Aim 3:
Drug screening: Depending on the dysfunctions observed in Aim 1, will test a battery of drugs approved by the FDA or EMA that are in the market. Dose-time study to optimize the use of the drug.
Aim 4:
Study of mitochondrial bioenergetics: Depending on the dysfunctions observed in Aim 1, will test a battery of drugs approved by the FDA or EMA that are in the market. Dose-time study to optimize the use of the drug.
Aim 5:
Generation of neurons induced by direct reprogramming from cellular models:
The main cell types affected in this type of pathologies are neurons, therefore through the direct neuronal reprogramming technique we can generate neurons through the dermal fibroblasts of patients and through cellular models created “in vitro” in the laboratory. Currently, we are developing a technique of direct reprogramming of skeletal muscle cells, which are the cell type mainly affected in the case of congenital myopathies and which is also damaged in mitochondrial or degenerative diseases.
Are you interested in our services?
If you want more information about the personalized medicine services we offer, you can contact us through our email or through the company Pronacera writing at
We will be happy to arrange a meeting to explain the project in more detail, as well as the prices of our services and everything they include.